
SOMEONE NEW | Sua Méndez

I want to see the space that fills your tiny hands
I know patience is a virtue
But waiting hurts a bit
I've tried and tried and yet I quit
to see your face fill with joy
Will be a girl? A boy ?
Will it be safe, or will I lose you
Sometimes I fear, for both of them
My heart is open, but I feel that maybe I won't see
To get excited, and all for nothing
It might be too late for it to happen
It it's a girl she'll know her father
It it's a boy, he'll know his father
II will be different, not like me.
But somehow I hope
That it all works fine
To create we

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hi friend! nice blog U got here..would U mind if we xlinks? pls let me know..tnx =)

Anónimo dijo...

this is pretty ok?my sister btiyu gf

blanca dijo...

soy blanca esta bien bonita la poesia

Anónimo dijo...

q bonita poesia